Everything below is all over – but I left it here for posterity. Or until I think of something else to post.
I guess the next one’ll be in 2030 I guess? Holy cow…

40th Class Reunion
Saturday, September 10, 2022
7pm – 12pm
Sold out (Sort of. See below)
DeBell Hilltop Restaurant and Bar
(At the DeBell Golf Course)
1500 E Walnut Ave, Burbank, CA 91501
(You will want to avoid Walnut, and come up Harvard as the starlight Bowl is having a show that night. Click here for map)
Alumni: $110 / Plus Ones: $90
Cocktail Attire
We’ve reached our deadline for payments folks. The venue won’t allow us to add any more to our headcount.
…email us here to get on our waiting list if there are cancellations or other openings that become available! We do have some folks that are facing scheduling conflicts – so you never know!
Just Added!
Sunday Reunion Picnic
Sunday, Sept. 11
1pm – 3pm
Verdugo Park (Clark Ave. / Calif St.)
Bring the whole family!
(We spent all the money on Saturday Night’s event)